Similar to any high-end floor such as hardwood, etc, proper care ensures longevity.
—We provide you with a cleaner that contains strengthening/densifying properties.
(Commercial space holders: We also provide you with a cleaner, and put you in contact with ordering the cleaning solution.)
—Simply dust the floor regularly with a microfiber pad to keep dirt off the floor. Sand, soil and dirt works as an abrasive and can hurt your floor’s finish.
—Wet mop the floor with hot water and the cleaner we provided you with or a neutral floor cleaner. No need for harmful chemicals or bleach.
—Clean spills and stains when they happen. Your floor will resist soaking in any stains, but negligence can lead to staining.
—Dust the floor regularly with a microfiber pad to keep dirt off the floor.
—Wet mop the floor with hot water and ammonia applied with a microfiber mop.
—Clean spills and stains when they happen. Your floor will resist soaking in any stains, but negligence can lead to staining.